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County Commission Minutes 09/22/99

A regular meeting of the County of Dukes County Commissioners was held on Wednesday, September 22, 1999, at 7:30 p.m. at the Dukes County Courthouse, notice of such meeting having been posted as required by law.

Commissioners Present:  Linda Sibley, Chairman
Daniel Flynn
                                Leonard Jason, Jr.
                                Leslie H. Leland
                                Robert Sawyer

                Absent: E. B. Collins
                                Tim Carroll
Also Present:           Carol Borer, County Manager
                                Marsha Smolev, Executive Assistant
                                Michael McCormack, Sheriff

Chairman Sibley called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.

Commissioner Leland Moved that the Minutes of August 11, 1999 be approved as amended.  (The amendments being to correct the spelling of Daniele and Rogers, and to correct that Commissioner Leland Seconded the Motion to reappoint Will Monast.)  Commissioner Flynn abstained.  The Motion passed.

County Manager’s Report: Mrs. Borer reported that the Fuel Contract was awarded to RM Packer at a fixed price of .7475.  Also, the County had put out to bid an RFP for Computer Systems Administration.  While there were 6 requests for packets, only one Proposal was submitted.  The Contract was awarded to Educomp, at a cost of $7,000.  This covers quarterly maintenance checks and recommendations, as well as service for 27 computers in County Departments.  (The charge is $259.26/computer)

Mrs. Borer gave a financial report, noting that Mrs. Flanders regretted having to miss the meeting.  The Auditors will be returning the week of October 18, to complete the Audit (which is expected to be available in November.) The unaudited FY99 Reserve Fund balance is $179,657.06.  Mrs. Borer reviewed Revenues that were beyond what was anticipated, such as Cape and Island License Plates, Laboratory Fees, Registry revenues.  Commissioner Sawyer asked for an explanation of Department 10. Mrs. Borer explained that this includes legal fees and miscellaneous collections such as tee shirt money, vending machine money and revenue from the Airport Business Park.

County of Dukes County                                          Meeting 09/22/99
County Commissioners                                            Page 02

There was discussion about the sale of tee shirts at the Tivoli Day Fair and whether or not a Department keeps the revenues from tee shirt sales.  Total Registry Revenue is up from $66,978 last year to $174,000+ this year.  

There was discussion about the Wastewater Revenues that appear to be down from last year, but Mrs. Sibley explained that because of the timing of the meter readings, lagging revenues may not be reflected until next year.  

Mrs. Borer reported that the County received $650.00 this year from the sale of Beach Permits for Special Events.  There was discussion about which beaches are County Beaches.  Commissioner Flynn mentioned that there is a 1-3 inch drop off the side of the asphalt on the road along the State Beach Bend in the Road and wondered if a letter to the MA DPW might help get it corrected.  He fears that continued erosion will cause damage to the road surface and eventually threaten the integrity of the road itself.  

Mrs. Borer reported that the County now has permits for putting in handicapped walkways on State Beach.  She also mentioned that there’s been discussion about the possibility of placing sand from the Tisbury Harbor dredging project onto the State Beach.  Also reported was that the Coastal Access Grant provided 2 hand carved signs for Norton Point and Eastville Beaches.  Discussion continued about the use of the beaches and permitting, and the ownership of Eastville Beach. (The County owns most of it, but Tisbury and Oak Bluffs own pieces.)

There was some discussion about Courthouse Rent.  Commissioner Jason explained how rent is paid and Mrs. Borer added that the State pays 86% of County Courthouse expenses.  There was mention of the Rat Control Program, which shows Revenue from the beginning of the year, but which is no longer an active Program.

Mrs. Borer presented the Airport Department’s close of the year report as reviewed by Powers and Sullivan, and the Airport Commission.  Commissioner Flynn explained that the Airport Commissioners agree with the Treasurer, Mrs. Flanders, that a Debt Service Fund should be established when there becomes a positive balance in the Net Income Total.  Commissioner Sawyer questioned this approach, wondering if it would be better to invest the money instead.  There was discussion about whether or not investment is permissible.  Chairman Sibley added that this would serve as a Reserve Fund should the Airport run a deficit. Commissioner Flynn added that the unanticipated revenue shown does not include cash and credit cards that are still being reconciled.
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County Commissioners                                            Page 03

Mrs. Borer presented an outline of an Island Health Plan from the Dukes County Health Council adding that there will be an update at tomorrow’s Health Council Meeting.  The Council hopes to have phase one completed by the end of October.  This will be a preliminary plan for the uninsured and underinsured.  There is presently a Vineyard Healthcare Access Coordinator who will also speak at the September 23rd meeting.  Mrs. Borer suggested either having a guest from the John Snow Group or at least more information at the next meeting.

Mrs. Borer reported that the County is seeking quotes for electricians and plumbers to work on the Cape Air Building that is due to be relocated any day now.  Also, we are going out to Bid to replace the heating boiler in the Courthouse.

A letter from Art Flathers requesting endorsement on his position about the SSA freight issues was presented.  After discussion about how freight issues are impacting Falmouth, it was agreed that the Commissioners do not feel it appropriate to take a position when they have appointed a representative to do so.  Commissioner Sawyer suggested that the County Commissioners request updates from Representative, Ron Rappaport.

Commissioner Flynn said he continues to believe there needs to be greater police enforcement of parking along State Beach. It was requested that the County Manager arrange a meeting with the Police Chiefs and the Sheriff to discuss this issue. There was brief discussion about the County printing its own parking tickets.

Subcommittee Reports:

Commissioner Leland reported that attendance at Jail Study Meeting continues to grow.  There are plans to continue work on a Public Relations Program that will include: a telephone survey, appearances at different island group meetings, a cable video and a brochure.  Chairman Sibley suggested including in the video, footage of new facilities so people see examples of possible solutions.  Commissioner Sawyer reported he has had dialogue with Consultant Peter Flynn about exploring different ways to finance a new Jail.

Commissioner Jason left at 8:41 PM.
Commissioner Sawyer reported that the County Commissioners are unanimously committed to the work of the All Island Hospital Task Force.  Chairman Sibley is concerned that money from the ER agreement will be

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County Commissioners                                            Page 04

used to solve problems in other Departments in the hospital.  Commissioner Flynn shared this concern.  Commissioner Sawyer said the money would be used exclusively for the Emergency Room.

Commissioner Jason returned at 8:52 PM.

Commissioner Sawyer reported that there will be an initial meeting of the Regional School Task Force Committee on October 7, 1999 at the Oak Bluffs School.

Commissioner Jason asked that we commend Eric Goldwire for his excellent work taking care of the Courthouse.

Sheriff McCormack left the meeting at 8:55 PM.  The Commissioners voted to go into Executive Session for the sole purpose of reviewing and releasing the minutes of The Executive Session of 8/25/99.

Commissioner Jason Moved for Adjournment.  Commissioner Flynn Seconded the Motion.  The Motion passed and the Meeting Adjourned at 9:24 PM.
Complete text of meeting is available on tape at the County Commissioner’s office.

 CLERK OF THE COURTS                   minutes092299.doc